Engagement - Catherine & Jacob

Forget the idea of let’s go fly a kite (unless it’s a song from Mary Poppins and then I’m in), I will take a day at the beach with these two anyday!

Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to Catherine & Jacob.

These two lovebirds took a drive to meet me at the beach one evening to walk, laugh, and dance their way into the sunset. It was a fabulous night and I just can’t wait to share their beautiful images with you!

Okay can we talk about this next photo for a moment?

We were heading back to the car to get changed when Jacob told Catherine to hop on his back, but then of course, she had to encourage them to do the same and I love the images from this funny little moment.

These next one’s might just be my favourites.

The beach, the clouds (ummm hello! you can’t plan for those - only wish for them), this couple….everything just lined up for some of my favourite images.

Catherine & Jacob - I adore you guys!

I’m so excited to for these two to say I do in August 2020.


Pricing - Choosing Your Wedding Photographer (Part 3)


Products - Choosing Your Wedding Photographer (Part 2)